The Most Important Item NOT on your Back to School List

The annual scavenger hunt for the ever elusive Ticonderoga pencils and unscented sani-wipes is upon us. Lets face it moms, we’ve all been there, dealing with the anxiety caused by scouring empty shelves in a panic looking for every last seemingly frivolous item on those back-to-school supply lists, but The Lice Chicks in Jefferson Valley have something even more important than two pocket folders without prongs to add to your list: a good head lice comb.

As if the return of school and supply lists weren’t maddening enough for the new school year, the return of head lice can become the next challenge. Its estimated 6 - 12 million cases of head lice are reported every year.  Lice is also second to the common cold in commonality among children, and it is the number one reason kids are absent from school. Jennifer Kilduff of The Lice Chicks states, “The most important item that should be on your back-to-school list is a good lice comb”.  According to Jennifer, a lice comb could actually SAVE a little anxiety instead of producing it. “A lice comb is the best defensive tool to have in your arsenal against a lice infestation” for 3 reasons:

1.  For Prevention:  “Take A Peek Once A Week”. Schedules get busy, but try and find time once a week to run a lice comb through your child’s hair. If a bug is picked up it will be combed out before causing a serious infestation and spreading to other family members. Nip it in the bud.

2.  For Detection: Running a comb through your child’s hair once a week and looking for evidence of an infestation, again, is in an effort to detect the infestation early and get a handle on it quickly.

3.  For Treatment: If evidence is found, and you’ve been doing weekly combings, chances are you’ve found the infestation early enough that you may be able to tackle it on your own. With a few thorough combings and some all natural treatment products, the cost and time usually required to treat a more severe infestation is minimized.

Good luck to all fellow parents out there! Stay safe in those supply isles, and more importantly, stay lice free. Get yourself a lice comb and maybe add in a mint scented lice prevention spray, and minimize the outbreaks this year ahead.

 The Lice Chicks are professionals certified in the Shepherd Method of safe, non-toxic lice removal offering screenings and treatments for any individual, school, or camp. For more information about The Lice Chicks, lice prevention, or to purchase lice prevention products, please visit them on the web at, visit, or call/text 914-953-6448